KD Webster
Wow, okay, it's already February 2024. I'm still holding true to my New Year's resolution of focusing more on my writings, including the business side. The business side being promoting my projects, monetizing my writings, and regularly updating my website. I'll be glad when the day comes I'll have people for this.
(I'd even settle for just a person.)
Til then...
So I've decided that this year I'm going to actually put some effort towards promoting my writing projects. Towards having more of a social presence.
And maybe, just maybe, find a purpose for my Instagram account.
Here's a February update - I will be writing another Wendigo story. More info on that later.
I now have a Free Reads page. It's only for my subscribers. There you can go to read short stories. Subscribe to read or preview stories before anyone else.
Gonna encourage you good folks to stop by my website often. Especially in the months to come. Visit the new pages I'll have up.
For example, click here to get to updates on a special writing project I'll be working on throughout the first part of the year. Hint, when I'm done with her, she'll be known as "The Lady with the Hair".
Meanwhile, a few "about me" tidbits.
I may live in the great state of Colorado, but I do not own a pet. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I believe if I were to have a spirit animal it would be a white ferret. White ferrets are cool.
KD the Writer is not to be confused with KD the Person. KD the Writer only exists on social media. KD the Person is hardly ever on social media. Yes, there is a difference. It's a whole entire thing. Just trust me on this. Click here for a tad more insight.
And while this is a bit difficult for me as a grown man to admit, I am easily distracted by squirrels. Seriously, ever seen a a squirrel rock a top hat and cane? No? Well...
If you follow me on social media you know Cletus is my bestest friend. If you don't follow me, you can. I mean, if you want. I'm on Twitter@kdwebster4.
"Take a break from your world...visit for a while in mine. Come often. Stay for a spell." - KD Webster